The week before VASSCAA-9 the VSA will hold an extended version of its two day short course at AINSE from the 8-10 of August. We will be announcing registration details in the next week. A tentative programme for the course is given on the next page. We intend to have three to four instructors that will present the course. The option of hands-on work involving working vacuum systems each afternoon is currently being explored with ANSTO, AINSE, and a number of vacuum equipment vendors.
The Australian courses have been developed over a fifty year period. Initially benefiting greatly from the considerable financial investment made by the AVS in contracting some of the former staff of the Footscray Institute of Technology (now called Victoria University) in Melbourne in the 1970’s and 1980’s to design and produce course notes for them to use in their courses in the USA, with the provision that the notes could also be used by the staff in their Australian courses. These latter courses extended over a one week period, in keeping with other highly developed vacuum courses around the world, eg., the introductory course in vacuum science and technology offered by the AVS was a week‐long course. The VSA week long course was also developed into a one-year diploma of Vacuum Science and Technology given at FIT.